Tickets: € 15.-* / € 10.-* / € 8.-**
*Advance sale online under, as well as at Stadtmarketing Villach, Hans-Gasser-Platz 5. *Reduced fees for retired people, **students, JugendLebtStadt
Paul Ruben composes and plays electropop at its finest. Born and raised in Villach, Carinthia, he first moved to Vienna for the sake of music. In an interview with Andreas Gstettner–Brugger (FM4) Paul talked about that time: “The doors to our apartment were always open to our friends. It was a great time, someone always came to visit. You never were alone. But on the other hand I couldn’t find quiet for the music. Most of the time I tried to produce tracks in my room at night. My brother had a completely different rhythm of life and often watched movies at three in the morning. Since I could not sleep, I put on the headphones and tried to create calm on my own with music.”
Five years was enough. Paul Ruben decided to turn his back on Vienna, packed his things and set off for Burgenland. There, in his parents’ large, old house, Paul encountered ubiquitous loneliness and silence. It was a shock at first. At the beginning he almost lost himself in the rural loneliness of the house."
It was only when Paul had set up all his equipment that, in time, calm came over and the long-awaited silence became the breeding ground from which the great soundscapes of his new EP “Halleluyah” were able to unfold.
“Halleluyah” was voted FM4’s Soundbark Act of the Month in December 2019.